New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 29 (2023), 1273-1286


Karim Johannes Becher and Fatma Kader Bingol

A bound on the index of exponent-4 algebras in terms of the u-invariant

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Published: December 7, 2023.
Keywords: Brauer group, cyclic algebra, symbol length, index, exponent, u-invariant.
Subject [2020]: 12E15, 16K20, 16K50.

For a prime number p, an integer e > 1 and a field F containing a primitive pe-th root of unity, the index of central simple F-algebras of exponent pe is bounded in terms of the p-symbol length of F. For a nonreal field F of characteristic different from 2, the index of central simple algebras of exponent 4 is bounded in terms of the u-invariant of F. Finally, a new construction for nonreal fields of u-invariant 6 is presented.


We thank the referee for their comments. This work was supported by the Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek-Vlaanderen (FWO) in the FWO Odysseus Programme (project G0E6114N 'Explicit Methods in Quadratic Form Theory'), the Fondazione Cariverona in the programme Ricerca Scientifica di Eccellenza 2018 (project 'Reducing complexity in algebra, logic, combinatorics - REDCOM'), and by the FWO-Tournesol programme (project VS05018N).

Author information

Karim Johannes Becher
University of Antwerp
Department of Mathematics
Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerpen, Belgium


Fatma Kader Bingol
University of Antwerp
Department of Mathematics
Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerpen, Belgium
