New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 30 (2024), 940-955


David Michael Roberts

Homotopy types of topological stacks of categories

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Published: July 5, 2024.
Keywords: Quillen's Theorem A, topological categories, topological stacks, homotopy types.
Subject [2010]: 55P15 (Primary); 55P10, 18F20, 18D40, 22A22 (Secondary).

This note extends Quillen's Theorem A to a large class of categories internal to topological spaces. This allows us to show that under a mild condition a fully faithful and essentially surjective functor between such topological categories induces a homotopy equivalence of classifying spaces. It follows from this that we can associate a 2-functorial homotopy type to a wide class of topological stacks of categories, taking values in the 2-category of spaces, continuous maps and homotopy classes of homotopies of maps. This generalises work of Noohi and Ebert on the homotopy types of topological stacks of groupoids under the restriction to the site with numerable open covers.


This work was supported by an Australian Postgraduate Award.

Author information

David Michael Roberts
School of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
The University of Adelaide
SA 5005, Australia
