New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 23 (2017) 1697-1721


Olgur Celikbas and Henrik Holm

Equivalences from tilting theory and commutative algebra from the adjoint functor point of view

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Published: November 17, 2017
Keywords: Adjoint functors; Brenner-Butler theorem; local (co)homology; Foxby equivalence; Matlis duality; relative Cohen-Macaulay modules; Sharp's equivalence; tilting modules; Wakamatsu's duality.
Subject: 13C14, 13D07, 13D45, 16E30, 18G10

We give a category theoretic approach to several known equivalences from (classic) tilting theory and commutative algebra. Furthermore, we apply our main results to establish a duality theory for relative Cohen-Macaulay modules in the sense of Hellus, Schenzel, and Zargar.

Author information

Olgur Celikbas:
Department of Mathematics, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506 U.S.A

Henrik Holm:
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Universitetsparken 5, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark