New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 4 (1998) 17-29


Ulrich Everling

An Example of Fourier Transforms of Orbital Integrals and their Endoscopic Transfer

Published: January 23, 1998
Keywords: orbital integral, Fourier transform, endoscopic transfer
Subject: 11F85, 22E35, 43A80

For the Lie algebra sl2 over a p-adic field, the Fourier transform of a regular orbital integral is expressed as an integral over all regular orbital integrals, with explicit coefficients. This expression, unlike the Shalika germ expansion, is not restricted to orbits of small elements. The result gives quite an elementary access to a simple example of Waldspurger's recent theorem on endoscopic transfer of the Fourier transforms.

Author information

Kath. Universität MGF, 85071 Eichstätt, Germany