New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 31 (2025), 282-320


John Kalliongis and Ryo Ohashi

Orientation reversing finite non-abelian actions on RP3 which respect a Heegaard decomposition

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Published: February 22, 2025.
Keywords: Finite group action, lens space, orbifold, orbifold handlebody, Heegaard decomposition.
Subject [2020]: Primary 57M10; Secondary 22E99, 57M05, 57M12, 57M60, 57S25, 57S30.

We classify, up to equivalence, the orientation-reversing finite non-abelian actions on RP3 which respect a genus 1 Heegaard decomposition. A description is given for each action along with its quotient type. There are seven different quotient types, and for each quotient type there is only one equivalence class. Examples are given of non-abelian actions which do not respect a genus 1 Heegaard decomposition.


The authors sincerely thank the referee for helpful comments and suggestions.

Author information

John Kalliongis
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Saint Louis University
220 North Grand Boulevard
St.Louis, MO 63103, USA


Ryo Ohashi
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
King's College
133 North River Street
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, USA
