New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 31 (2025), 238-258


Timothy Kohl and Robert Underwood

Galois extensions and Hopf-Galois structures

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Published: January 24, 2025.
Keywords: Galois extension, Hopf algebra form, Hopf-Galois structure.
Subject [2010]: 16T05.

Let K be a field and let N be a finitely generated group with finite automorphism group F. As shown by Haggenmuller and Pareigis, there is a bijection Θ from the collection of F-Galois extensions of K to the collection of forms of the Hopf algebra K[N]. In the case that K is a finite field extension of Q and H is the Hopf algebra of a Hopf-Galois structure on a Galois extension E/K, we construct the preimage of H under Θ. We give criteria to determine the Hopf algebra isomorphism classes of the Hopf algebras attached to the Hopf-Galois structures on E/K. Examples are included throughout the paper.


The authors are indebted to the referee whose thoughtful comments and suggestions have improved this paper.

Author information

Timothy Kohl
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Boston University
665 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215, USA


Robert Underwood
Department of Mathematics and
Department of Computer Science
Auburn University at Montgomery
Montgomery, AL 36124, USA
