New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 30 (2024), 979-997


Ryan Dickmann

Automatic continuity of pure mapping class groups

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Published: July 5, 2024.
Keywords: automatic continuity, polish group, topological group, mapping class group, pure mapping class group, boundary, manifold with boundary, noncompact, non-compact.
Subject [2010]: 57K20, 57M07, 57S05, 20F65.

We completely classify the orientable infinite-type surfaces S such that PMap(S), the pure mapping class group, has automatic continuity. This classification includes surfaces with noncompact boundary. In the case of surfaces with finitely many ends and no noncompact boundary components, we prove the mapping class group Map(S) does not have automatic continuity. We also completely classify the surfaces such that PMapc(S), the subgroup of the pure mapping class group composed of elements with representatives that can be approximated by compactly supported homeomorphisms, has automatic continuity. In some cases when PMapc(S) has automatic continuity, we show any homomorphism from PMapc(S) to a countable group is trivial.


The author acknowledges support from NSF grant RTG DMS--1745583.

Author information

Ryan Dickmann
Georgia Institute of Technology
686 Cherry St NW
Atlanta, GA 30332, USA
