New York Journal of Mathematics
NYJM Monographs, Volume 3, 2008


Paul S. Muhly and Dana P. Williams

Renault's Equivalence Theorem for groupoid crossed products

Published: June 4, 2008
Keywords: Morita equivalence, groupoid dynamical system, groupoid crossed product, imprimitivity theorem, disintegration theorem, groupoid equivalence
Subject: Primary: 46L55, 46L05; Secondary: 22D25

We provide an exposition and proof of Renault's Equivalence Theorem for crossed products by locally Hausdorff, locally compact groupoids. Our approach stresses the bundle approach, concrete imprimitivity bimodules and is a preamble to a detailed treatment of the Brauer semigroup for a locally Hausdorff, locally compact groupoid.

Author information

Paul S. Muhly:
Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242

Dana P. Williams:
Department of Mathematics, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755-3551