New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 29 (2023), 335-362


Keshab Chandra Bakshi, Satyajit Guin, and Sruthymurali

Fourier-theoretic inequalities for inclusions of simple C*-algebras

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Published: March 17, 2023.
Keywords: Fourier transform, convolution, simple C*-algebra, Watatani index, Hausdorff-Young inequality, Young's inequality, uncertainty principles.
Subject [2020]: 46L37, 47L40, 46L05, 43A30.

The paper originates from a naive attempt to establish various non-commutative Fourier-theoretic inequalities for an inclusion of simple C*-algebras equipped with a conditional expectation of index-finite type. In this setting, we discuss the Hausdorff-Young inequality and Young's inequality. As a consequence, we prove the Hirschman-Beckner uncertainty principle and Donoho-Stark uncertainty principle. Our results generalize some of the results of Jiang, Liu, and Wu in [Noncommutative uncertainty principle, J. Funct. Anal. 270 (2016), 264-311.]


We sincerely thank Zhengwei Liu for useful exchange and suggestions that eventually lead to a substantial improvement of the paper. K.C.B acknowledges the support of INSPIRE Faculty grant DST/INSPIRE/04/2019/002754. S.G acknowledges the support of SERB grant MTR/2021/000818. SM was affiliated to CMI when the majority of the work was carried out. She would like to thank CMI for the institute postdoctoral fellowship.

Author information

Keshab Chandra Bakshi:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, India


Satyajit Guin
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Indian Institute of Technology
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208016, India


Statistics and Mathematics Unit
Indian Statistical Institute
8th Mile, Mysore Rd, RVCE Post
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560059, India
