New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 26 (2020), 756-789


Michal Jasiczak

Toeplitz operators on the space of all entire functions

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Published: July 14, 2020.
Keywords: Toeplitz operator, entire function, Fredholm, semi-Fredholm, one-sided invertible, Cauchy transform.
Subject: Primary 47B35, Secondary 30D99, 47G10, 47A05, 47A53.

We introduce and characterize the class of Toeplitz operators on the Fréchet space of all entire functions. We completely describe Fredholm, semi-Fredholm, invertible and one-sided invertible operators in this class.


The research was supported by National Center of Science (Poland), grant no. UMO-2013/10/A/ST1/00091.

Author information

Michal Jasiczak:
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Adam Mickiewicz University
ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 4
61-614 Poznań, Poland
