New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 16 (2010) 399-408


Michael Frank, Vladimir Manuilov, and Evgenij Troitsky

A reflexivity criterion for Hilbert C*-modules over commutative C*-algebras

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Published: November 12, 2010
Keywords: Hilbert C*-module; reflexivity; commutative C*-algebra
Subject: Primary 46L08, Secondary 54D99

A C*-algebra A is C*-reflexive if any countably generated Hilbert C*-module M over A is C*-reflexive, i.e., the second dual module M'' coincides with M. We show that a commutative C*-algebra A is C*-reflexive if and only if for any sequence Ik of mutually orthogonal nonzero C*-subalgebras, the canonical inclusion ⊕k Ik⊂ A doesn't extend to an inclusion of ∏k Ik.


This work is a part of the joint DFG-RFBR project (RFBR grant 07-01-91555 / DFG project "K-Theory, C*-Algebras, and Index Theory''). The second and the third named authors acknowledge also partial support from RFBR grant 08-01-00034

Author information

Michael Frank:
HTWK Leipzig, FB IMN, Postfach 301166, D-04251 Leipzig, Germany

Vladimir Manuilov:
Dept. of Mech. and Math., Moscow State University, 119991 GSP-1 Moscow, Russia and Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, P. R. China

Evgenij Troitsky:
Dept. of Mech. and Math., Moscow State University, 119991 GSP-1 Moscow, Russia