New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 11 (2005) 97-150


Philippe Gaucher

Comparing globular complex and flow

Published: April 12, 2005
Keywords: concurrency, homotopy, homotopy limit, directed homotopy, homology, compactly generated topological space, cofibrantly generated model category, NDR pair, Hurewicz fibration
Subject: 55P99, 55U99, 68Q85

A functor is constructed from the category of globular CW-complexes to that of flows. It allows the comparison of the S-homotopy equivalences (resp. the T-homotopy equivalences) of globular complexes with the S-homotopy equivalences (resp. the T-homotopy equivalences) of flows. Moreover, it is proved that this functor induces an equivalence of categories from the localization of the category of globular CW-complexes with respect to S-homotopy equivalences to the localization of the category of flows with respect to weak S-homotopy equivalences. As an application, we construct the underlying homotopy type of a flow.

Author information

Preuves Programmes et Systèmes, Université Paris 7-Denis Diderot, Case 7014, 2 Place Jussieu, 75251 PARIS Cedex 05, France