New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 9 (2003) 303-330


F. P. Boca, R. N. Gologan and A. Zaharescu

The average length of a trajectory in a certain billiard in a flat two-torus

Published: December 1, 2003
Keywords: Periodic Lorentz gas; average first exit time
Subject: 11B57; 11P21; 37D50; 58F25; 82C40

We remove a small disc of radius ε >0 from the flat torus T2 and consider a point-like particle that starts moving from the center of the disk with linear trajectory under angle ω. Let \tildeτε (ω) denote the first exit time of the particle. For any interval I⊂ [0,2\pi), any r>0, and any δ >0, we estimate the moments of \tildeτε on I and prove the asymptotic formula
I \tildeτrε (ω) dω = cr |I| ε-r +Oδ-r+(1/8)-δ) as ε → 0+,
where cr is the constant
(12/\pi2) ∫01/2(x(xr-1+(1-x)r-1) +(1-(1-x)r)/(rx(1-x)) - (1-(1-x)r+1)/((r+1)x(1-x)))dx.
A similar estimate is obtained for the moments of the number of reflections in the side cushions when T2 is identified with [0,1)2.


All three authors were partially supported by ANSTI grant C6189/2000

Author information

F. P. Boca:
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, P.O.Box 1-764, RO-014700, Bucharest, Romania

R. N. Gologan:
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, P.O.Box 1-764, RO-014700 Bucharest, Romania

A. Zaharescu:
Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, P.O.Box 1-764, RO-014700, Bucharest, Romania