New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 30 (2024), 1177-1195


Ido Efrat

Cohomology and the combinatorics of words for Magnus formations

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Published: August 5, 2024.
Keywords: Profinite cohomology, combinatorics of words, Magnus formations, shuffle algebra, Lyndon words, shuffle relations, Massey products, lower p-central filtration, p-Zassenhaus filtration.
Subject [2010]: Primary 12G05, Secondary 20J06, 68R15.

For a prime number p and a free pro-p group G on a totally ordered basis X, we consider closed normal subgroups GΦ of G which are generated by p-powers of iterated commutators associated with Lyndon words in the alphabet X. We express the profinite cohomology group H2(G/GΦ) combinatorically, in terms of the shuffle algebra on X. This partly extends existing results for the lower p-central and p-Zassenhaus filtrations of G.


This work was supported by the Israel Science Foundation (grant No. 569/21).

Author information

Ido Efrat
Earl Katz Family Chair in Pure Mathematics
Department of Mathematics
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Be'er-Sheva 8410501, Israel
