New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 30 (2024), 1032-1055


Moshe Cohen and Adam M. Lowrance

The average genus of a 2-bridge knot is asymptotically linear

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Published: July 22, 2024.
Keywords: knot, genus, 2-bridge, rational knot.
Subject [2020]: 57K10, 05A19.

Experimental work suggests that the Seifert genus of a knot grows linearly with respect to the crossing number of the knot. In this article, we use a billiard table model for 2-bridge or rational knots to show that the average genus of a 2-bridge knot with crossing number c asymptotically approaches c/4+1/12.


The second author was supported by NSF grant DMS-1811344.

Author information

Moshe Cohen
Mathematics Department
State University of New York at New Paltz
New Paltz, NY 12561, USA


Adam M. Lowrance
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Vassar College
Poughkeepsie, NY 12604, USA
