New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 22 (2016) 1271-1282


Liwei Chen and Yunus E. Zeytuncu

Weighted Bergman projections on the Hartogs triangle: exponential decay

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Published: November 3, 2016
Keywords: Weighted Bergman projection, exponential weights, Hartogs triangle
Subject: Primary 32A25; secondary 32A07, 32A36

We study weighted Bergman projections on the Hartogs triangle in C2. We show that projections corresponding to exponentially vanishing weights have degenerate Lp mapping properties.


The work of the second author was partially supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation (#353525).

Author information

Liwei Chen:
The Ohio State University, Department of Mathematics, Columbus, OH 43210

Yunus E. Zeytuncu:
University of Michigan - Dearborn, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dearborn, MI 48128