New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 21 (2015) 657-698


Ling Chen

An S3-symmetry of the Jacobi identity for intertwining operator algebras

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Published: July 29, 2015
Keywords: Intertwining operator algebras, Moore-Seiberg equations, Jacobi identity, S3-symmetry.
Subject: 17B69, 81T40

We prove an S3-symmetry of the Jacobi identity for intertwining operator algebras. Since this Jacobi identity involves the braiding and fusing isomorphisms satisfying the genus-zero Moore-Seiberg equations, our proof uses not only the basic properties of intertwining operators, but also the properties of braiding and fusing isomorphisms and the genus-zero Moore-Seiberg equations. Our proof depends heavily on the theory of multivalued analytic functions of several variables, especially the theory of analytic extensions.


The author is supported by NSFC grant 11401559.

Author information

School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China