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Aaron D. Valdivia
Sequences of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes and their asymptotic behavior view print
Published: |
August 15, 2012 |
Keywords: |
Mapping class group, pseudo-Anosov, minimal dilatation |
Subject: |
57M50 |
In this paper we provide a construction which produces sequences of pseudo-Anosov mapping classes on surfaces with
decreasing Euler characteristic. The construction is based on Penner's examples used in the proof that the minimal
dilatation, δg,0, for a closed surface of genus g behaves asymptotically like (1/g). We give a
bound for the dilatation of the pseudo-Anosov elements of each sequence produced by the construction and use this bound
to show that if gi=rni for some rational number r>0 then δgi,ni behaves like
(1/|ϗ(Sgi,ni)|) where ϗ(Sgi,ni) is the Euler characteristic of the genus gi surface
with ni punctures.
Author information
Florida Southern College, 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive, Lakeland, FL 33801-5698