New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 17a (2011) 113-125


Boo Rim Choe, Hyungwoon Koo, and Young Joo Lee

Positive Schatten-Herz class Toeplitz operators on the ball

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Published: January 30, 2011
Keywords: Toeplitz operator, Harmonic Bergman space, Schatten class, Schatten-Herz class.
Subject: Primary 47B35, Secondary 31B05

On the harmonic Bergman space of the ball, we give characterizations for an arbitrary positive Toeplitz operator to be a Schatten-Herz class operator in terms of averaging functions and Berezin transforms.


The first two authors were supported by Mid-career Researcher Program through NRF grant funded by the MEST (R01-2008-000-20206-0)

Author information

Boo Rim Choe:
Department of Mathematics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, KOREA

Hyungwoon Koo:
Department of Mathematics, Korea University, Seoul 136-713, KOREA

Young Joo Lee:
Department of Mathematics, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 500-757, KOREA