New York Journal of Mathematics
Volume 4 (1998) 185-221


Donald M. Davis

3-Primary v1-Periodic Homotopy Groups of E7

Published: October 22, 1998
Keywords: v1-periodic homotopy groups, exceptional Lie groups, unstable Novikov spectral sequence
Subject: 55T15

In this paper we compute the 3-primary v1-periodic homotopy groups of the exceptional Lie group E7. This represents the next stage in the author's goal of calculating the v1-periodic homotopy groups of all compact simple Lie groups (at least when localized at an odd prime). Most of the work goes into calculating the unstable Novikov spectral sequence of Ω E7/Sp(2). Showing that this spectral sequence converges to the v1-periodic homotopy groups in this case utilizes recent results of Bousfield and Bendersky-Thompson.

Author information

Lehigh University,Bethlehem, PA 18015