Besides from removing several minor bugs and smoothing things, I made the following changes to the previous version: THE FUNCTION OF THE OBJECTS FSum, SumF, SumTausche, TeX, TeXMat, in HYP phSum, Sumph, SumTausche, TeX, TeXMat, in HYPQ and of contiguous relations WAS MODIFIED. NEW OBJECTS ARE: AmSLaTeX, AmSTeX, LaTeX, GlTausche, Subst, SumExpand, in HYP and HYPQ, paufl, T3217, Tgl3217, Tli3217, T6534, Tgl6534, Tli6534, SimplifyP, in HYP ps, Ph, Sumps, SumPh, psSum, PhSum, psph, phps, Phph, phPh, psOrdne, PhOrdne, psPerm, PhPerm, psinv, Phinv, psShift, pqinf, pqinfzerl, pqinfzus, pqaufl, T3217, Tgl3217, Tli3217, T7701, Tgl7701, Tli7701, SimplifyPQ, in HYPQ THE OBJECTS Gammaq, Gqzerl, Gqzus. HAVE BEEN REMOVED FROM HYPQ. HERE ARE MORE DETAILS: --------------------------------------------------------------------- The object Gammaq in HYPQ was replaced by pqinf, since the q-gamma function has actually already a different meaning. Consequently, also Gqzerl was replaced by pqinfzerl, and Gqzus was replaced by pqinfzus. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The codes for the objects SumF (in HYP) and Sumph (in HYPQ) were completely rewritten. As a consequence, the performance is considerably improved. On the one hand, SumF and Sumph are much faster now. More importantly, it is NOT NECESSARY anymore to enter everything in (basic) hypergeometric notation. For example, Sum[k*Binomial[n,k],{k,1,Infinity}]/.SumF or Sum[(1-q^k)*Binomialq[n,k],{k,1,Infinity}]/.Sumph will work now. Previously this had to be entered as Sum[p[k,1]*Binomial[n,k],{k,1,Infinity}]/.SumF respectively Sum[pq[q^k,1]*Binomialq[n,k],{k,1,Infinity}]/.Sumph All the above is also true for SumRegeln. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The performance of SumTausche was considerably improved. Now it takes care of dependencies of summation indices (which it did not earlier). --------------------------------------------------------------------- The objects FSum and phSum now ask the user to enter the summation index. This is also the case if a (basic) hypergeometric series is converted into an ordinary sum because automatic evaluation of F, respectively ph is active ("P is on", respectively "PQ is on"). --------------------------------------------------------------------- Since AmS-LaTeX output of TeXForm was not supported previously, I modified the object TeX, and added the objects AmSTeX, AmSLaTeX, and LaTeX. As previously, by default the output of TeXForm is AmS-TeX- compatible. If you enter LaTeX in a Mathematica session, then the output of TeXForm will be LaTeX-compatible (also Plain-TeX-compatible), if you enter AmSLaTeX, then output of TeXForm will be AmS-LaTeX-compatible, if you enter TeX, output of TeXForm will be Plain-TeX-compatible (also LaTeX-compatible), if you enter AmSTeX, you will change back to AmSTeX- compatibility. Therefore, if you are a LaTeX-user, say, then you should append the line LaTeX to the files hyp.m and hyp.q. Thus, every session will start in LaTeX-compatibility of TeXForm. --------------------------------------------------------------------- TeXMat now has an optional third parameter which allows to place comments to expressions that are written into a file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The new object GlTausche exchanges left-hand and right-hand side of an equation. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The new object Subst allows to subsitute expressions instead of another (equivalent) expression. --------------------------------------------------------------------- A limiting case of Whipple's 7F6-4F3 transformation was added to HYP. The corresponding objects are T3217, Tgl3217, Tli3217, T6534, Tgl6534, Tli6534. --------------------------------------------------------------------- A limiting case of Watson's 8ph7-4ph3 transformation was added to HYPQ. The corresponding objects are T3217, Tgl3217, Tli3217, T7701, Tgl7701, Tli7701. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The new objects SimplifyP and SimplifyPQ do simplification of expressions, particularly suited for (basic) hypergeometric expressions. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The new object SumExpand expands Sums. --------------------------------------------------------------------- The output of contiguous relations looks different now, factors of the coefficients are in "hypergeometric notation" now. This is very often useful in more complicated computations since application of Expand does not have such disastrous consequences which it has otherwise. If this notation should not be convenient, the newly added objects paufl and pqaufl can be used to evaluate all shifted factorials. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Upon request I have added a brief German-English dictionary such that the German names of the objects get more sense for those who are not so familiar with German. ---------------------------------------------------------------------