print(`This is a copy of the package qEKHAD accompanying the book A=B`): print(`by M. Petkovsek, H. Wilf an D. Zeilberger`): print(`Because it was mentioned in Zeilberger's paper published in v.2`): print(`of the New York J. of Math, it is reproduced here for the`): print(`convenience of future readers, and to guarantee its permanence.`): print(`Zeilberger would like to thank Mark Steinberger for his suggestion`): print(`to install a permanent copy of the package in the NYJM's archives.`): print(`This version works with Maple V vers. 3 and 2,and hopefully above`): lprint(``): lprint(``): print(`This is qEKHAD, one of the Maple packages`): print(`accompanying the forthcoming book "A=B"`): print(`(soon to be published by A.K.Peters, Ltd.)`): print( `by Marko Petkovsek, Herb Wilf, and Doron Zeilberger. `): print(`Also try out the other packages: EKHAD and multiEKHAD`): print(``): print(`The latest versions are always available by anon. ftp to`): print(``): print(` in the directory: /pub/zeilberg/programs `): print(`or, on the Web, at`): print(`For general help, and a list of the available functions,`): print(` type "ezra();". For specific help type "ezra(procedure_name);"`): lprint(``): print(`Warning: q is a global variable`): print(`qfac(k) means (1-q)*(1-q^2)*...*(1-q^k), and `): print(`NOT (1)(1+q)*...*(1+q+...+q^(k-1))`): print(` `): print(`Version of July 1995`): ezra:=proc() if args=NULL then print(`q-EKHAD: A Maple package for proving terminating basic hypergemetric`): print(` (alias q-binomial coeff.) and other q-identities`): print(`Handles only single-summation`): print(`For help with a specific prodecure, type "ezra(procedure_name);"`): print(`Contains procedures: `): print(`qzeil,qzeilpap`): print(`Warning: q is a global variable`): print(`The summand can be expressed in terms of qfac(k):=(q)_k,`): print(`or the Gaussian polynomials (alias q-binomial coefficients)`): print(`qbin(a,b):=qfac(a)/(qfac(b)*qfac(b-a)), `): print(`or qrf(q^(something),k):=(q^(something))_k, `): print(`where the "something" must be affine linear in its variables`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`qzeil` then print(`qzeil(SUMMAND,N,k, n,para)`): print(`Inputs SUMMAND in terms of q-factorials of the form`): print(`qfac(r):=(1-q)(1-q^2)...(1-q^r)`): print(`qbin(a,b):=qfac(a)/(qfac(b)qfac(a-b),`): print(` and the familiar q-rising factorial,`): print(` (something)_k:=(1-something)*(1-q*something)*...*(1-q^(k-1)*something),`): print(` which should be entered as qrf(something,k).`): print(` times q raised to a quadratic in k and n. `): print(`It outputs the recurrence operator ope(N,n) followed by`): print(`the certificate R(n,k) such that G(n,k):=F(n,k)*R(n,k)`): print(`satisfies ope(N,n)F(n,k)=G(n,k)-G(n,k-1)`): print(`All parameters are discrete, so if you have, say (a)_k, you must`): print(`change a to q^(alpha), say. k is the summation variable, n is the`): print(`the auxilliary variable, with respect to which the recurrence`): print(`is given, and para is a list of all the other (necessarily) discrete`): print(`variables present. On output, arbitrary constants are denoted by b1, b2, etc. `): print(`Examples: The left side of the Finite-Form Rogers-Ramanujan is given`): print(`by qzeil(q^(k^2)/qfac(k)/qfac(n-k),N,k,n,[]):,`): print(`( while the right side (after Peter Paule's symmetrization) is:`): print(` qzeil(q^((5*k^2-k)/2)*(-1)^k*(1+q^k)/qfac(n+k)/qfac(n-k),N,k,n,[]):`): print(`Since the second-order recurrences outputted are identical (try it!)`): print(`we have a proof of Rogers-Ramanujan.`): print(`Another example: To prove q-Chu do:`): print(` qzeil(q^(k^2)*qbin(n,k)*qbin(m,k)/qbin(n+m,m),N,k,n,[m]):`): print(`The syntax, once more, is: qzeil(SUMMAND,N,k, n,para)`): fi: if nops([args])=1 and op(1,[args])=`qzeilpap` then print(` qzeilpap(SUMMAND,k,n,para) or qzeilpap(SUMMAND,k,n,para,NAME,REF)`): print(`Just like qzeil(SUMMAND,k,n,para) but writes a paper with the proof`): print(`NAME and REF are optional name and reference`): fi: end: qpaper:=proc(SUMMAND,k,n,N,ope1,SDZ1,NAME,REF) local SHEM,IDENTITY: if degree(ope1,N)=1 then SHEM:=IDENTITY: else SHEM:=RECURRENCE: fi: lprint(`A PROOF OF THE`,NAME,SHEM): lprint(``): lprint(`by Shalosh B. Ekhad, Temple University,`): lprint(``): lprint(`I will give a short proof of the following result(`,REF,`).`): lprint(``): if degree(ope,N)=1 then lprint(`(Note that since the recurrence below is first order, this`): lprint(`means that the sum`, SUM(n), `has closed form,and it is`): lprint(`easily seen to be equivalent.)`): lprint(``): fi: lprint(`Theorem:Let`, F(n,k), `be`): lprint(``): print(SUMMAND): lprint(``): lprint(`and let`, SUM(n),`be the sum of`, F(n,k),` with`): lprint(`respect to`, k,`.`): lprint(``): lprint(SUM(n),` satisfies the following linear recurrence equation`): lprint(``): print(yafe(ope1,N,n,SUM(n))): print(`=0.`): lprint(``): lprint(`PROOF: We cleverly construct`, G(n,k),`:=`): lprint(``): print(SDZ1*SUMMAND): lprint(`with the motive that`): lprint(``): print(yafe(ope1,N,n,F(n,k))): lprint(`=`,G(n,k)-G(n,k-1), `(check!)`): lprint(``): lprint(`and the theorem follows upon summing with respect to`, k,`.`): end: qzeilpap:=proc() local SUMMAND,k,para,N: if nargs<4 or nargs>6 then ERROR(` qzeilpap(SUMMAND,k,n,para) or qzeilpap(SUMMAND,k,n,para,NAME,REF)`): fi: if nargs>=4 then SUMMAND:=args[1]: k:=args[2]: n:=args[3]: para:=args[4]: fi: if nargs>=5 then NAME:=args[5]: fi: if nargs=6 then REF:=args[6]: fi: gu:=qzeil(SUMMAND,N,k,n,para): ope1:=gu[1]: SDZ1:=gu[2]: qpaper(SUMMAND,k,n,N,ope1,SDZ1,NAME,REF): end: #qrf:converts (q^(linear expressions of variables and parameters))_k #linear expression in parameters to an expression in qfac qrf:=proc(qal,k) local qal1: qal1:=simplify(qal): if qal=q then RETURN(qfac(k)): fi: if not type(qal1,`^`) then ERROR(`Argument must be a power of q`): fi: if not op(1,qal1)=q then ERROR(`Argument must be a power of q`): fi: qfac(op(2,qal1)+k-1)/qfac(op(2,qal1)-1): end: pashet:=proc(p,N) local i,gu,p1: p1:=expand(p): gu:=0: for i from 0 to degree(p1,N) do gu:=gu+factor(coeff(p1,N,i))*N^i: od: RETURN(gu): end: ratn:=proc(alpha,khe,q,s) local i1,lu,dg: dg:=degree(alpha,s)*khe: if dg=0 then RETURN(1): fi: if dg>0 then lu:=product(1-alpha*q^i1,i1=1..dg): fi: if dg <0 then lu:=1/product(1-alpha/q^i1,i1=0..(-dg)-1): fi: lu:=normal(lu): RETURN(lu): end: ratk:=proc(alpha,q,t) local lu,dg,i1: dg:=degree(alpha,t): if dg=0 then RETURN(1): elif dg > 0 then lu:=product(1-alpha/q^i1,i1=0..dg-1): else lu:=1/product(1-alpha*q^i1,i1=1..(-dg)): fi: lu:=expand(lu): lu:=normal(lu): RETURN(lu): end: qctp:= proc(POL,NUM,DEN,ARG,QPOWER1,ORDER1,N, k, n, q, s, t,para) local ARG1, DEN1, KAMA, KHE, L, L1, LU, LU1, NUM1, ORDER, P, Q, QPOWER, R, RAT, RATB, S, degg, eq, fu, g, gorem, gu, gugu, i, ia1, j1, ja1, kak, khe, l1, l2, lu1a, meka1, mekb1, mumu, va1, va2, y1, yakhas,k1,j2,kapi1,kapi2,misht : KAMA:=5; NUM1:=NUM:DEN1:=DEN:ARG1:=ARG:QPOWER:=QPOWER1: ORDER:=ORDER1: gorem:=0: for i from 0 to ORDER do gorem:=gorem+(b.i)*N^i: od: LU:=0: KHE:=degree(gorem,N): for khe from 0 to KHE do RAT:=product('ratn(NUM1[y1],khe,q,s)','y1'=1..nops(NUM1)): RATB:=product('ratn(DEN1[y1],khe,q,s)','y1'=1..nops(DEN1)): RAT:=RAT/RATB: kak:=subs(n=n+khe,QPOWER)-QPOWER: kak:=expand(kak): gu:=t^coeff(kak,k,1)*s^coeff(kak,n,1)*q^(kak-k*coeff(kak,k,1)- n*coeff(kak,n,1)): RAT:=RAT*gu*subs(s=s*q^khe,POL): RAT:=normal(RAT): LU:=coeff(gorem,N,khe)*RAT+LU: LU:=normal(LU): od: lu1a:=LU: LU1:=numer(LU): LU:=1/denom(LU): LU:=LU/subs(t=t/q,LU): LU:=normal(LU): yakhas:=product('ratk(NUM1[y1],q,t)','y1'=1..nops(NUM1))/ product('ratk(DEN1[y1],q,t)','y1'=1..nops(DEN1)): yakhas:=normal(yakhas): kak:=QPOWER-subs(k=k-1,QPOWER): kak:=expand(kak): kak:=t^coeff(kak,k,1)*s^coeff(kak,n,1)*q^(kak-k*coeff(kak,k,1)- n*coeff(kak,n,1)): yakhas:=ARG1*LU*yakhas*kak: yakhas:=normal(yakhas): P:=LU1: Q:=numer(yakhas): R:=denom(yakhas): Q:=expand(Q): R:=expand(R): j1:=0: while j1 <= KAMA do #HERE kapi1:=numer(Q): kapi2:=numer(subs(t=t*q^j1,R)): kapi1:=expand(kapi1): kapi2:=expand(kapi2): for j2 from 1 to nops(para) do kapi1:=subs(q^op(j2,para)=misht[j2],kapi1): kapi2:=subs(q^op(j2,para)=misht[j2],kapi2): od: g:=gcd(kapi1,kapi2): if g <> 1 then for j2 from 1 to nops(para) do g:=subs(misht[j2]=q^op(j2,para),g): od: Q:=normal(Q/g): R:=normal(R/subs(t=t/q^j1,g)): P:=P*product(subs(t=t/q^ja1,g) , ja1=0..j1-1): j1:=-1: fi: j1:=j1+1: od: P:=expand(P): R:=expand(R): Q:=expand(Q): if(coeff(Q,t,0)*coeff(R,t,0)=0) then L1:=0: else L:=ln(normal(coeff(Q,t,0)/coeff(R,t,0)))/ln(q): if type(L,integer) then L1:=max(0,L): else L1:=0: fi: fi: P:=expand(t^L1*P): R:=expand(q^L1*R): l1:=degree(R,t): l2:=degree(Q,t): meka1:=coeff(R,t,l1): mekb1:=coeff(Q,t,l2): if l1 <>l2 then k1:=degree(P,t)-max(l1,l2): else mumu:= meka1/(mekb1*q^l1): mumu:=ln(mumu)/ln(q): if type(mumu,integer) then k1:=max(mumu, degree(P,t)-l1): else k1:=degree(P,t)-l1: fi: fi: fu:=0: if k1 < 0 then RETURN(0): fi: for ia1 from 0 to k1 do fu:=fu+a.ia1*t^ia1: od: gugu:=subs(t=t*q,Q)*fu-R*subs(t=t/q,fu)-P: gugu:=expand(gugu): degg:=degree(gugu,t): for ia1 from 0 to degg do eq[ia1+1]:=coeff(gugu,t,ia1)=0: od: for ia1 from 0 to k1 do va1[ia1+1]:=a.ia1: od: for ia1 from 0 to ORDER do va2[ia1+1]:=b.ia1: od: eq:=convert(eq,set): va1:=convert(va1,set): va2:=convert(va2,set): va1:=va1 union va2 : va1:=solve(eq,va1): fu:=subs(va1,fu): gorem:=subs(va1,gorem): fu:=normal(fu): #gorem:=pashet(gorem,N): S:=subs(t=t*q,Q)*fu*lu1a/P : S:=normal(S): S:=factor(S): gorem,S: end: qctpnis:= proc(POL,NUM,DEN,ARG,QPOWER1,ORDER1,N, k, n, q, s, t,para) local ARG1, DEN1, KAMA, KHE, L, L1, LU, LU1, NUM1, ORDER, P, Q, QPOWER, R, RAT, RATB, S, degg, eq, fu, g, gorem, gu, gugu, i, ia1, j1, ja1, kak, khe, l1, l2, lu1a, meka1, mekb1, mumu, va1, va2, y1, yakhas,k1,j2,kapi1,kapi2,misht : KAMA:=5; NUM1:=NUM:DEN1:=DEN:ARG1:=ARG:QPOWER:=QPOWER1: ORDER:=ORDER1: gorem:=0: for i from 0 to ORDER do gorem:=gorem+(b.i)*N^i: od: LU:=0: KHE:=degree(gorem,N): for khe from 0 to KHE do RAT:=product('ratn(NUM1[y1],khe,q,s)','y1'=1..nops(NUM1)): RATB:=product('ratn(DEN1[y1],khe,q,s)','y1'=1..nops(DEN1)): RAT:=RAT/RATB: kak:=subs(n=n+khe,QPOWER)-QPOWER: kak:=expand(kak): gu:=t^coeff(kak,k,1)*s^coeff(kak,n,1)*q^(kak-k*coeff(kak,k,1)- n*coeff(kak,n,1)): RAT:=RAT*gu*subs(s=s*q^khe,POL): RAT:=normal(RAT): LU:=coeff(gorem,N,khe)*RAT+LU: LU:=normal(LU): od: lu1a:=LU: LU1:=numer(LU): LU:=1/denom(LU): LU:=LU/subs(t=t/q,LU): LU:=normal(LU): yakhas:=product('ratk(NUM1[y1],q,t)','y1'=1..nops(NUM1))/ product('ratk(DEN1[y1],q,t)','y1'=1..nops(DEN1)): yakhas:=normal(yakhas): kak:=QPOWER-subs(k=k-1,QPOWER): kak:=expand(kak): kak:=t^coeff(kak,k,1)*s^coeff(kak,n,1)*q^(kak-k*coeff(kak,k,1)- n*coeff(kak,n,1)): yakhas:=ARG1*LU*yakhas*kak: yakhas:=normal(yakhas): P:=LU1: Q:=numer(yakhas): R:=denom(yakhas): Q:=expand(Q): R:=expand(R): j1:=0: while j1 <= KAMA do #HERE kapi1:=numer(Q): kapi2:=numer(subs(t=t*q^j1,R)): kapi1:=expand(kapi1): kapi2:=expand(kapi2): for j2 from 1 to nops(para) do kapi1:=subs(q^op(j2,para)=misht[j2],kapi1): kapi2:=subs(q^op(j2,para)=misht[j2],kapi2): od: g:=gcd(kapi1,kapi2): if g <> 1 then for j2 from 1 to nops(para) do g:=subs(misht[j2]=q^op(j2,para),g): od: Q:=normal(Q/g): R:=normal(R/subs(t=t/q^j1,g)): P:=P*product(subs(t=t/q^ja1,g) , ja1=0..j1-1): j1:=-1: fi: j1:=j1+1: od: P:=expand(P): R:=expand(R): Q:=expand(Q): if(coeff(Q,t,0)*coeff(R,t,0)=0) then L1:=0: else L:=ln(normal(coeff(Q,t,0)/coeff(R,t,0)))/ln(q): if type(L,integer) then L1:=max(0,L): else L1:=0: fi: fi: P:=expand(t^L1*P): R:=expand(q^L1*R): l1:=degree(R,t): l2:=degree(Q,t): meka1:=coeff(R,t,l1): mekb1:=coeff(Q,t,l2): if l1 <>l2 then k1:=degree(P,t)-max(l1,l2): else mumu:= meka1/(mekb1*q^l1): mumu:=ln(mumu)/ln(q): if type(mumu,integer) then k1:=max(mumu, degree(P,t)-l1): else k1:=degree(P,t)-l1: fi: fi: fu:=0: if k1 < 0 then RETURN(0): fi: for ia1 from 0 to k1 do fu:=fu+a.ia1*t^ia1: od: gugu:=subs(t=t*q,Q)*fu-R*subs(t=t/q,fu)-P: gugu:=expand(gugu): degg:=degree(gugu,t): for ia1 from 0 to degg do eq[ia1+1]:=coeff(gugu,t,ia1)=0: od: for ia1 from 0 to k1 do va1[ia1+1]:=a.ia1: od: for ia1 from 0 to ORDER do va2[ia1+1]:=b.ia1: od: eq:=convert(eq,set): va1:=convert(va1,set): va2:=convert(va2,set): va1:=va1 union va2 : for j2 from 1 to nops(para) do eq:=subs(misht[j2]=j2^2+1,eq): od: va1:=solve(eq,va1): fu:=subs(va1,fu): gorem:=subs(va1,gorem): if gorem=0 then RETURN(0): else RETURN(1): fi: end: #qbin converts the q-binomial coefficient to q-factorials qbin:=proc(a,b): qfac(a)/qfac(b)/qfac(a-b): end: #hafokh converts a q-expression involving powers of qfac(a*n+b*k+c) #and qrf(a,k)'s to the format required in procedure qctp hafokhpol:=proc(POL,n,k,q,t,s): subs({q^k=t,q^n=s},expand(POL)): end: #hafokh converts a q-expression in qfac(a*n+b*k+c) and rf(a,k) #to the format required in procedure qctp hafokh:=proc(bitui1,k,n,q,t,s) local gu,bitui,POL,NUM,DEN,ARG,QPOWER1,gu1,khezka,gu11,gu11n,gu11k,gu110, i,r: bitui:=factor(bitui1): NUM:=[]: DEN:=[]: ARG:=1: POL:=1: QPOWER1:=0: if nops(bitui)>1 then for i from 1 to nops(bitui) do gu:=op(i,bitui): if type(gu,`+`) then POL:=POL*gu: POL:=hafokhpol(POL,n,k,q,t,s): next: fi: if type(gu,`^`) then gu1:=op(1,gu): khezka:=op(2,gu): if gu1=q then if not degree(khezka,k)<=2 then ERROR(q,`can be only raised to a power a quadratic in`,k): fi: QPOWER1:=QPOWER1+khezka: next: fi: if not (type(normal(khezka/k),integer) or type(khezka,integer)) then ERROR(`Wrong exponent`): fi: if not type(khezka, integer) then if not type(khezka/k ,integer) then ERROR(`Exponents must be in`,k): else ARG:=ARG*gu1^(khezka/k): fi: next: fi: if type(khezka,integer) then if type(gu1,function) then if op(0,gu1)<>'qfac' then ERROR(`The only functions allowed are qfac and qrf and qbin`): fi: if op(0,gu1)='qfac' then gu11:=op(1,gu1): gu11n:=coeff(gu11,n,1): gu11k:=coeff(gu11,k,1): gu110:=expand(gu11-gu11n*n-gu11k*k): if not type(gu11n,integer) or not type(gu11k,integer) then ERROR(`Arguments to qfac must be affine-linear expressions in vars`): fi: gu11:=t^gu11k*s^gu11n*q^gu110: fi: if khezka>0 then for r from 1 to khezka do NUM:=[op(NUM),gu11]: od: else for r from 1 to -khezka do DEN:=[op(DEN),gu11]: od: fi: fi: next: fi: fi: if type(gu,function) then if op(0,gu)<>'qfac' then ERROR(`The only functions allowed are qfac and qrf and qbin`): fi: if op(0,gu)='qfac' then gu11:=op(1,gu): gu11n:=coeff(gu11,n,1): gu11k:=coeff(gu11,k,1): gu110:=expand(gu11-gu11n*n-gu11k*k): if not type(gu11n,integer) or not type(gu11k,integer) then ERROR(`Arguments to qfac must be affine-linear expressions in vars`): fi: gu11:=t^gu11k*s^gu11n*q^gu110: NUM:=[op(NUM),gu11]: fi: fi: od: fi: gu:=bitui: if type(gu,`+`) then POL:=POL*gu: POL:=hafokhpol(POL,n,k,q,t,s): fi: if type(gu,`^`) then gu1:=op(1,gu): khezka:=op(2,gu): if gu1=q then if not degree(khezka,k)<=2 then ERROR(q,`can be only raised to a power a quadratic in`,k): fi: QPOWER1:=QPOWER1+khezka: fi: if not (type(normal(khezka/k),integer) or type(khezka,integer)) then ERROR(`Wrong exponent`): fi: if not type(khezka, integer) then if not type(khezka/k ,integer) then ERROR(`Exponents must be in`,k): else ARG:=ARG*gu1^(khezka/k): fi: fi: if type(khezka,integer) then if type(gu1,function) then if op(0,gu1)<>'qfac' then ERROR(`The only function allowed are qfac and qrf`): fi: if op(0,gu1)='qfac' then gu11:=op(1,gu1): gu11n:=coeff(gu11,n,1): gu11k:=coeff(gu11,k,1): gu110:=expand(gu11-gu11n*n-gu11k*k): if not type(gu11n,integer) or not type(gu11k,integer) then ERROR(`Arguments to qfac must be affine-linear expressions in vars`): fi: gu11:=t^gu11k*s^gu11n*q^gu110: fi: if khezka>0 then for r from 1 to khezka do NUM:=[op(NUM),gu11]: od: else for r from 1 to -khezka do DEN:=[op(DEN),gu11]: od: fi: fi: fi: fi: if type(gu,function) then if op(0,gu)<>'qfac' then ERROR(`The only functions allowed are qfac and qrf and qbin`): fi: if op(0,gu)='qfac' then gu11:=op(1,gu): gu11n:=coeff(gu11,n,1): gu11k:=coeff(gu11,k,1): gu110:=expand(gu11-gu11n*n-gu11k*k): if not type(gu11n,integer) or not type(gu11k,integer) then ERROR(`Arguments to qfac must be affine-linear expressions in vars`): fi: gu11:=t^gu11k*s^gu11n*q^gu110: fi: NUM:=[op(NUM),gu11]: fi: POL,NUM,DEN,ARG,QPOWER1: end: qzeilsp:= proc(SUMMAND,ORDER1,N, k, n,para) local s,t,kak,POL,NUM,DEN,ARG,QPOWER1,pip: kak:=hafokh(SUMMAND,k,n,q,t,s): POL:=kak[1]:NUM:=kak[2]:DEN:=kak[3]:ARG:=kak[4]:QPOWER1:=kak[5]: pip:=qctpnis(POL,NUM,DEN,ARG,QPOWER1,ORDER1,N, k, n, q, s, t,para): if pip=0 then RETURN(0): fi: pip:=qctp(POL,NUM,DEN,ARG,QPOWER1,ORDER1,N, k, n, q, s, t,para): if pip=0 or [pip]=[0,0] then RETURN(0): fi: pip:=subs({s=q^n,t=q^k},pip[1]),subs({s=q^n,t=q^k},pip[2]): pip[1],factor(expand(normal(simplify(pip[2])))): end: qzeil:= proc(SUMMAND,N,k, n,para) local ORDER1,ope: ope:=0: for ORDER1 from 1 while ope=0 do ope:=qzeilsp(SUMMAND,ORDER1,N, k, n,para): od: pashet(ope[1],N),factor(ope[2]): end: qfac1:=proc(r) option remember: if r=0 then 1: elif r<0 then 0: else expand(qfac1(r-1)*normal((1-q^r)/(1-q))): fi: end: bdokcert:=proc(SUMMAND,N,k, n,ope,cert,n1,k1) local gu,G,SU,i,gu1: gu:=0: for i from 0 to degree(ope,N) do gu:=gu+coeff(ope,N,i)*subs(n=n+i,SUMMAND): od: G:=SUMMAND*cert: gu:=gu/(G-subs(k=k-1,G)): gu1:=subs({qfac=qfac1},gu): gu1:=subs({k=k1,n=n1},gu1): normal(eval(gu1)): end: yafe:=proc(ope,N,n,SUM) local gu,i: gu:=0: for i from 0 to degree(ope,N) do gu:=gu+coeff(ope,N,i)*subs(n=n+i,SUM): od: gu: end: ###end of qEKHAD