Aravind Asok: A1-homotopy theory, topology of algebraic varieties, group actions, representation theory
Yuri Berest: Noncommutative algebra, representation theory
Jérémy Blanc: Algebraic geometry
Cornelius Greither: algebraic number theory, commutative algebra
Yi-Zhi Huang: infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, vertex operator algebras, conformal field theory
Efstratia Kalfagianni: 3-manifod topology and geometry, knot theory, quantum topology
Claude LeBrun: differential geometry
Naichung Conan Leung: differential geometry
Scott McCullough, functional analysis, operator theory, free convex semialgebraic geometry
Peter Ozsvath: Topology
Jonathan M. Rosenberg: geometry and topology, noncommutative geometry, mathematical physics
Laurence Taylor: manifolds, surgery theory
Brett D. Wick, Function theory, harmonic analysis, several complex variables, operator theory
Kirsten Wickelgren, Homotopy theory and arithmetic geometry.
Matthew Zaremsky, Geometric group theory
Xiangyu Zhou, Several complex variables and complex geometry
Kehe Zhu, Complex analysis, operator theory